Electronics Recycling:
SERVICIOS ECOLÓGICOS M.B.B. S.A. has recently included the service of offering a safe and effective disposal of electronic waste.
With more than 15 years of experience and knowledge in recycling subjects, we provide a sustainable and stable system for all your needs to recycle electronic equipment.
We offer solutions of electronic recycling for all the sectors: Offices, stores, industries, and homes.
The electronic equipments contain toxins which, when they are released in the atmosphere can contaminate our water, earth, and air. Substances as lead, mercury, cadmium, flame retardants (present mainly in plastics from electronics), bioaccumulative toxins (PBTs) cause malformations in new born and cause damages to the coronary, respiratory, nervous and Skeletal systems, among others sufferings.
Yes, the treatment of electronics has a cost. This cost must be covered by the waste generator. This charge is made because Ecological Services must also pay the final foreign processor companies so they can be able to handle correctly the toxic substances in electronic equipments without causing damages to the environment, for example: Monitor screens. All this process by means of utilizing sophisticated and specialized technologies to carry on these processes.
Any electronics line:
- GRAY GOODS: Computer equipment. EXAMPLE: CPUs, monitors, printers, keyboards, mouse, scanners, UPSs, among others.
- WHITE GOODS: Home appliances. EXAMPLE: Refrigerators, washing machines, kitchens, microwaves, among others.
- BROWN GOODS: Entertainment equipment. EXAMPLE: DVDs, VHSs, stereos, Televisions, cameras, cell phones, among others.

The electronic equipment passes through a local dismantling process or demanufacture. The basic components are removed and they are classified according to their type and composition in order to be sent to recycle. The toxic components are handled under strict patterns and environmental procedures to be sent to foreign companies that fulfill the effective environmental legislations in each country. These companies are world-wide recognized for their disposal and safe electronic equipment recycling; besides, it is an ISO 14001 certified company.
If you want to learn more about electronic recycling, we invited to you to visit the following links of interest:
- http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/06/60minutes/main4579229.shtml (English version)
- www.storyofstuff.com/international (versions in different languages)

2010©Copyright. Servicios Ecológicos M.B.B. S.A.
Telephone: (506) 2249-3952 / (506) 2249-3958 Fax: (506) 2249-0731 P.O. Box: 006-6150-10901, Santa Ana, San José, Costa Rica
Address: San José, Mora, Brasil, Zona Industrial.
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