Reciclaje Costa Rica
Reciclaje Costa Rica
Reciclaje Costa Rica
Reciclaje Costa Rica

ECOTIPS: environmental advices for conscious citizen!!!

Eco Tips

Below, we will enumerate some simple things that we all can do and together, we will take better care of our common home: The Earth.

Use your own cup…

Take a glass or cup to the office and use it to drink water or coffee. Thus, you will not produce waste whenever you are thirsty. Think about the amount of glasses that have been disposed that you accumulate per year and the amount of waste that will not be produced if you and your office friends use their own cup.

Take them with no shopping bags …

When you go shopping and you take just a few products, do not use necessarily a shopping bag. Take them in the hand and contribute to reduce the enormous amount of waste that we produce day to day.

And if you use shopping bags, do not throw them away. Keep them, since they are useful for many things. Be creative and recycle them. Take and use fabric shopping bags, avoid the unnecessary use of plastic bags, it requires a small change in your habits but the effect will be enormous.

Teach the children to take care of nature

It will matter to them, more than anybody.
Talk to them about the importance of a bird or an insect; about why waste should not be thrown away at the beach, in the street, or in rural areas; about how all, animal, plants and what surrounds us, we need each other. They like to learn and more and if they are important things.

It is responsibility of all, theirs and ours to create an adequate environmental general awareness that allows the future inhabitants of our world, to enjoy the same possibilities that we had in our life. To instill environmental/ecological awareness into children is the simplest and more effective way to guarantee that they will take care of the world in the future and that they will do it better than we did.

Start saving paper:

The paper is produced of processed vegetal fiber that is obtained by exploiting forests.
All paper sheets have two sides. Reusing them and writing or printing in its reverse, you reduce your paper consumption, draft printing, etc. When reducing your consumption, you reduce pressure on the forests and the amount of waste that is generated.

Things you can do with the used paper sheets.

Turn off the light!

Get use to leave all locals with the lights off after you leave. Use as less light bulbs as possible.

Do not waste water:

Reciclaje Costa Rica
Products we recycle
Trabajando en Conjunto con MINAE APREFLOFAS FUNDECOR Amigos de la Isla del Coco Campaña Ambientados
Afiliados a PROCOMER Camara de Industrias de Costa Rica Procomer Costa RicaCANARDES

2010©Copyright. Servicios Ecológicos M.B.B. S.A.
Telephone: (506) 2249-3952 / (506) 2249-3958 Fax: (506) 2249-0731 P.O. Box: 006-6150-10901, Santa Ana, San José, Costa Rica
Address: San José, Mora, Brasil, Zona Industrial.

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